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Monday, October 18, 2010

book review-- Immanuel's Veins

"This story is for everyone--but not everyone is for this story."- Ted Dekker 

Now when I read this line on the back of the cover, I thought to myself 'this should be an interesting read'. While I have heard great reviews about Ted Dekker, I was very excited to get to finally read one of his books! I hate to say this, but I was very let down! While historical is not my most favorite genre, I thought that I could set that aside, however the beginning of the book took me almost EIGHT chapters to get involved. Very disappointing. The theme that goes through the novel is very true of the spiritual warfare that goes on in our daily life. I would recommend this book for more mature christians, (which I hate saying!) but I do think that those who are not familiar with spiritual warfare will completely misunderstand the depth that Dekker goes to in his novel. While overall, this was a great story, it was not my 'interesting read' that I was so readily hopeful for. The pace of the book was very hard to get with, very slow in the beginning with details that weren't important and a very abrupt ending. While I wish I could say that this was a wonderful book, I would be lying. I hope that there are some out there who truly enjoyed this story.

1 comment:

  1. Having read this book and just about everything else Ted Dekker has written, I would not suggest this book to a first time reader. Ted defiantly has a different mind set as a writer (which I love...too many books out there that run in the same "vein" pun intended :) ) One needs to start off with his older publications to get a "taste" of his peculiarities. If interested I would start off with his Circle Trilogy, Black, Red, and White (and now Green) plus Paradise Novels. Just my thoughts!
